Monday, April 30, 2007

Everybody pray now!

We all have worries, serious worries about our children, relationships, day to day living, our health, the future... Life is hard.
Use the worry, I say, (which is connected to the intuition), to pray. If the worry indicator is high, up the prayers. If its lower, up the praise.
Bringing our worry before the Almighty God, is the only way I know to down it. Worry, pray, wait, trust. Short, simple, words. Difficult, short,simple,words.
Impossible. No.
Everything is possible with God. He takes the unbearable and makes it bearable. He takes the worry and fashions something beautiful out of it. He takes our prayer and sends a helping Hand.

Everybody pray now...
Everybody pray now!
Come on, sing with me!

" Don't worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need,
and thank Him for all He has done.
If you do this, you will experiance God's peace,
which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.
His peace will guard your hearts and minds
as you live in Christ Jesus."

philippians 4: 6,7

(p.s. tell your mother, too)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Now what's my job?

I feel energized today! It's been a long time since I have written here. Attention, my girls! I would like to invite some of my friends to participate on here. What do I do? How do I invite them? How do I change this into an invite only blog so that they can feel comfortable to come here. How's this for an idea? My friends and my family. It would be fun! Just writing my own thoughts is a little like talking to myself. End of this topic.
I'm reading this fabulous book called Three Cups of Tea - One man's mission to promote peace... one school at a time by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Sister lent me the book. Won't say much about it except... the place he is building schools is Afghanistan. He's one man making a big, good difference. There have been many 'men' making a difference, and many times to the world's detriment. This guy is up there with Mother Theresa...( How can that be? you say ) Makes me wonder what I could do... One quote here, describing the man...' And like her daughter, she had come to the conclusion that the large, gentle man living two blocks away was cut from unusual cloth. "One snowy night we were barbecuing, and I asked Greg to go out and turn the salmon,..I looked out the patio door a moment later and saw Greg, standing barefoot in the snow, scooping up the fish with a shovel, and flipping it, like that was the most normal thing in the world. And I guess, to him, it was. That's when I realized he's not just one of us. He's his own species." You read the book and you understand what is meant here. He has a passion to improve the lives of the people in dangerous, mountainous Afghanistan and he crosses dangerous tribal, political war torn borders to build his schools, provide fresh water or build bridges...inspiring.
Now what's my job?
I'm a Christian. How am I going to make a difference in my world?