Saturday, February 24, 2007

tootin' your horn

'Everyone has a horn to toot'
as my youngest daughter so wisely told me
oldest daughter toots about recycling
second daughter toots about self-esteem
I toot about faith in Jesus
we get irritated at each other sometimes
over the things we toot to each other about
because 'it hits a nerve'
wise words, young woman!
the things you have said to me, girls
have made a difference in the way I do life
we shouldn't stop talking about the things that are important to us
for these things will help shape us all
(trumpet sounds in the distance)


Ali said...

That's cute and very true!

Dudamingus said...

I prefer to think of it as a French Horn.

Claire said...

I prefer to think of myself as a foghorn.


Giving notice to those living in denial because they can't see the truth. Watch the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" to get back on my good side! ;-)

toot away, henny!

degsies said...

toot toot - implies that there's warning to the upcoming rant. i find it's way more fun to simply spring it on people. hubby panics when i start a sentence with "so, i was thinking..."

Henny said...

I hear, 'oh oh'.