Tuesday, May 1, 2007


" Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
She raises her voice in the markets;
She cries at the head of the noisy intersections
[ in the chief gathering places ];
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks."
proverbs 1:20,21
When I drive down certain streets, like McPhillips or Nairne Avenue,
my existence is filled with fumes, roarings of engines, squealings of brakes,...
I can hardly stand it.
Summer mornings, the first thing I hear from my window is the sound of rushing traffic on # 9 Hwy. It's a terrible morning greeting for me. I'd much rather hear the woods, or the water...
I'm a country girl at heart. Traffic noises tire and irritate me.
There's the hum of the city, which I first noticed sitting at my daughter and son-in-law's 29th floor view window. That was different. It was the song of the city. The song of living.
When I read these verses, I see the Wisdom of God standing at my street corners,
hair flying, clothes whipped about by the wind of racket.
The Wisdom of God calling for my attention.
Listen to Me!
You can drive, drink your coffee, put your make up on, talk on your cell phone and near miss the car in front of you.
But can you hear Me?
Raise your head.
Do you see Me standing at your street corners?
It's another dimension, isn't it?
The noise of this world, trying to blare out the voice of God.
It takes the effort of quiet with Him...
" If you seek [Wisdom] as for silver
and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as
for hidden treasures,..." proverbs 2:4
We tune into what is most important to us.
We take joy and delight in these things.
" Lean on, trust in, and be confident
in the Lord with all your heart and mind
and do not rely on your own insight
or understanding." proverbs 3:5
I write these words as encouragement for my niece, for it is her 20th birthday today.
'I still see you, running down the lane, hair flying behind, little dog
keeping up at your side. It's been imprinted in my memory.
Today,I pray for you at this threshold of 20 years. This beautiful place.
Your life is before you, your potential is magnificent.
The Lord bless you.


Victoria said...

Thanks T.Val your grand!!! Your words Wisdom has surely been taken to heart, right next to were you are :)

Henny said...

You're a sweetheart!

degsies said...

apparently - according to those survey things - i have the gift of wisdom. and yet, so often, i feel like the wild woman, screaming nonsense at the world, rather than the respectable woman, instilling wisdom in my children.

Henny said...

Surveys are very useful as a good start. I would agree that you have the gift of wisdom. You also have a calm and reassuring spirit. Nurture these qualities. You're a wonderful mother!
The wild woman is in all of us at various times in varying degrees. I have good crys when needed. For me, its a necessity! In fact, it brings me to bottom of the matter and gives my prayers the honesty required.