Monday, October 29, 2007

october 29

Wow, the last post was July! I'm really behind. I've been studying, crazy things have been going on and I've hardly had time to write here. My daughter encouraged me to write as a journal entry, so I will try that approach. Isn't it great to have daughters who are such a delight and encouragement!
To my studying then. Will catch up later.

Well, this is later...
I've studied quite a bit. I really hope that I can learn to study more effectually soon. I meant efficiently but the other word will do. Funny what the spell checker comes up with. I'm still amused by that.
I got Advent #3 done, thank God. Now to brood on the last one.
On the whole I'm pleased with today. Schmooky and I went out in the field and we had a rosy cheeked time. He listened well and I ran now and again and that makes me feel like a kid again.
I talked to Oma. I need to keep checking up on her. We are told to take care of our parents. They took care of us after all.
I think I'll get my books together for tomorrow school time. I also have to get something ready for princess..Odette. I've decided to send her a letter once a week. It's my job as grandmother to keep in touch.
So, God bless and good night...

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